Winter Campmeeting 2008 | Criss N Testimony

Winter Campmeeting 2008

Thank you. I am a hospice chaplain. I care for families who have children who are dying. I also assist the pastors in my county with hospital and home visitations. In 1999 I started a not-for-profit ministry to do this work. A few years ago, I moved to a small town in WI to help my mom who is 84. I love our time together yet miss my on fire, go-all-out church in Chicago. I have a few on fire friends here and we pray together, support and love one another. We are seeing miracles and many are being born again. Most of the townspeople think we are “freaks” “out of it” “gone” and many of the church people think we are “a little too excited.” It’s hard to contain fire. (however they do know how to find us when something is needed) I wanted to say thank you for having the campmeeting on the Internet. My prayer times with God are incredible, yet I miss the fellowship of other go-get-it believers. I too thank you for mentioning that other pastors have had death threats. I too have had those calls. I adopted a special needs child who died in my arms in 2001. His story is one of strength, courage and a love that is stronger then death. It is also a strong pro life example. I am sorry this has happened to others, but I am relieved to hear this happens to others too. I am told to “be quiet, or else.” Now, we can come against the spirit of distruction for others as well. I look forward to paticipating in one of your meetings. Eternal thanks, Chriss and Stephen who dances in my heart

Chriss N
Chetek Wisconsin United States