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Rodney Howard Browne – Victoria D. Testimony

In 2009 Pastors Eric and Jennifer ministered at a campmeeting where I answered the call of God. When I got prayed for, the presence of God came so strong on me like I had never experienced before. I wept and wept from my guts as I literally felt things lifting off me like birds flying away. That week I was also delivered from a spirit of fear that had tormented me almost my whole life. After those meetings I started watching the Anointing series and, and God began to set me free in my mind from strongholds and superstitions, and stir a greater hunger in me.

I had been searching for the truth and the presence of God and I knew I finally found what I was looking for! The Lord had never been so real to me in my life. A year later Pastor Rodney held meetings in my area and I felt the Lord telling me to come to Bible school to prepare for what’s coming. Even the very first week of school God touched my life in such an incredible way. Every class felt like I was on God’s operating table as He has been doing a work in my heart and changing me. Right from the very first soulwinning day God began to give me boldness to witness, where before I would shrink back.

He has also been expanding the love of God in my heart for people more and more. This whole year He has been breaking off layers of fear and condemnation. I’ve experienced the love of God tangibly like I never had before. God has set me free in my mind more and more through the truth of the Word that has been preached in the classes and services. The Lord has also been doing a wonderful work in my family and restoring my relationship with my parents. There’s so much more I can’t even put adequately into words, I’m so overwhelmed with God’s goodness and so thankful He brought me to RBI……….

Rodney Howard Browne – Joey R. Testimony

Well for me I was not here for the first week I was still in Texas not knowing if I was coming here with my sister. With my situation at home I decided it was best I come. My brother blessed me and my sister with his car because my truck would have probably not made it. It took us a while to find a place to live but God blessed us with a great place that is not far and is only ten minutes away.

The week I was able to be here I was able to here you preach on giving and it really helped me in that area of my life. I realize that giving needs to be a daily thing whether it be items I’m attached or just love to other people. I never seen anything like that on Thursday where people started giving anything and everything that they had to break walls in their life and it really helped me see that money is only a temporary thing in life and it comes and goes and so many people depend on it but if they put their trust in the Lord and give like he tells us he will provide for all our needs according to his riches and glory in Christ Jesus.

My sister has told me great things about this school and from being here a week I already love it and can’t wait to see what God is going to do in my life. The atmosphere here is great every time i walk in the door, from the people that greet you to the people that say hello to you that I’ve never met. I am very happy that I have mentors with a Christian world view and a Christian perspective on life……

Rodney Howard Browne – Kait T. Testimony

It’s unbelievable, I love it!! I can’t help but anticipate more of His goodness and all He has for me this year at RBI. I am privileged and blessed. I wasn’t thrown up on the shelf and put there to do nothing. No!! He never lets me go, so where He goes, I go. I was made to GO!!! He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. (Mark 16:15) So, my pursuit is to be led and used by Him.

I don’t want just a day more, or a week more, NO! More is my eternal life; more is my existence here on earth. More is my heart. The kingdom of Heaven is near. I don’t want to think that God does great, I want to know, I want to taste, I want to see. I want to live it out. It’s Him burning in my heart, and giving me a desperation I can’t shake, or run from for it is a love I can’t imagine my life without.

This has brought me to a place of seeking after His word and the secret place, such deep intimacy with my Creator and my King, My Abba, Daddy. I want to hear and know His voice, without question. And can’t wait to be taught, and built up into the mighty women of God He has called me to be……Kait T.

Rodney Howard Browne – Michael D. Testimony

April of this year my wife, Jen and I were called separately to come to Bible school.  This call was supernatural because one year prior I felt the call in my spirit to come to school but my wife was not in agreement.  Then in April after working on the farm and listening to one of Pastor Rodney’s messages, I was again stirred in my spirit to come to Bible school to get trained up in the things of God.  I was so overwhelmed by this that after completing my work I went in the house and told Jen that I needed to tell her something.  After sharing with her how I felt the Lord had spoke to me again about coming to Bible school, she began laughing.  I asked her what was so funny, and she told me that the night before while watching the Great Awakening on CTN she felt the overwhelming call to come to Bible school.  Jen purposely didn’t say anything because she was scared and also because she knew that if it was of God that He would confirm His Word to her, and he did through me.

Supernatural things had to move out of the way for us to be able to leave the speeding locomotion of life that we were responsible for.  Upon arriving here in Tampa, all of our needs were provided for and then revival started.  My supernatural experience started the day Pastor Rodney Skyped in from the Republic of Namibia (I believe that’s where he was).  While Pastor Rodney was telling us about how the Chinese and the Muslims were colonizing Africa, my heart started to stir.  Then he began to speak about the hunger and desperation of the African people to know God, my heart stirred even more.  At the end of the Skype call Pastor take the hands of our neighbors and lift them in prayer.  As he started to pray, the fire of God hit me hotter then I’ve ever experienced it, from my head and thru my entire body.  I started weeping uncontrollably and could not stop.

Rodney Howard Browne – Jennifer D. Testimony

The revealing of my Husbands past sins leaving my marriage and myself completely and utterly broken.  I made the decision to forgive as He forgave.  But I was still left with the insecurity, distrust, anger, bitterness, and so much more.  The pain of a broken heart and covenant.  I wanted it all gone, but I didn’t or couldn’t let it go.  The first week the Lord began careful intensive surgery.  He took away my broken heart all of it!!!  Praise the Lord, thank you Jesus!  He didn’t stop there I was lead in the spirit to sow some of my most personal sentimental belongings one of them being my wedding ring.  I struggled for three days, thinking it can’t be.

But every morning I felt the pull, the tug to do so.  That day as worship was taking place; I had to leave for the lobby I wanted to leave, to go home, my flesh cried out its too hard.  I spoke but Lord this is a symbol of my marriage it precious. Then I heard very clearly yes, it’s a symbol of an old broken covenant.  That day as the offering took place I told my husband and I sowed it.  That was the day something broke in me.  As worship took place and Pastor Todd prayed I was on my knees in front of the stage.  As I pressed in, I desperately wanted to receive.  But I kept telling him I wanted it to be real not something I could do or understand.

Rodney Howard Browne – Michaela S. Testimony

Isaiah chapter forty-one verse ten, is a scripture that the Lord has placed in my Spirit ever since I’ve been here at The River Bible Institute. The scripture says, “Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.”  The revelation I have received of this scripture has made a remarkable difference in my life.  Since I came to The River Bible Institute, the Lord has been operating on my heart and He’s continuing to do so each and every day.  He has shown me that as He takes a step, I take a step, right alongside Him.  He’s walking with me and I with Him!

Many things have taken place in my life in the past three weeks.  I have been reminded that I am on the right track and following the Lord’s plan for my life.  I have learned how to submit my life, in it’s entirety, and put all my trust in the Lord, even in the small areas of my life. He has emptied me of every fleshly desire and began to impart to me the plans He has for my future, one by one.  I have been filled with the fire of God and have been able to tell other people of the goodness of God and lead them to the Lord!  I have had the opportunity to lead teenagers, single mothers and young adults to the saving knowledge and power of Jesus Christ, which has brought overwhelming joy to my heart! The things that I have learned here, in the past three weeks, I am ready to take back to my hometown and tell others about!

Rodney Howard Browne – Justin M. Testimony

Since my arrival at RBI, I have had the Lord do some awesome things in my life. According to, during the first week of class when Pastor Rodney was speaking to us via Skype, he began to pray over us asking that the fire of God would fall.  Immediately my body started shaking and I began to cry and weep as I felt the power of God.  While this was happening I heard God say very loudly, “Shake nations”, “Shake nations”.  It was so powerful; it was as if I felt the voice of God even in my bones.  It shook me.  A couple of days later when Pastor Daniel was preaching during the RBI revival week, the fire of God was falling on everyone again.  And I heard God say, “I’m sending you to the nations”.

Again I began to weep and cry and I was beside myself.  Another powerful moment I had was when pastor Adonica was sharing her testimony about when she got the joy.  After she gave her testimony, she was laying hands on all the students and when she prayed for me, the joy of the Lord exploded on the inside of me.  I had a breakthrough in that area of my life, because I had allowed circumstances to rob me and steal my joy.

I have also received another breakthrough in the area of giving.  My wife and I had sewn almost everything we have and God still keeps providing for us.  We sewed our wedding rings on a Sunday morning and when my wife got back to her seat a lady gave her a ring with diamonds across the top of it.  There is so much more could say.  To God be the glory.

Rodney Howard Browne – Kait T. Testimony

Wow!!  “This is only the beginning.” Is all I hear Him saying, and it’s overwhelming something I can’t even fathom, His love, His purpose, His dreams, and His vision for me. I have found myself at His feet multiple times since being here at River Bible Institute. I don’t even know how to explain the pure love I feel for the first time. I do know though, it’s real, without a doubt and like nothing I have ever felt, a deep intimate love of a Father, for me. He is restoring our relationship and my heart, showing me He was close to me through it all. I’ve just never ever felt so worthy and loved. I am more than enough, I am pure in Him.

Since here I have been living by complete Faith and it is exciting, just learning and allowing Him to be my all I depend on, my provider. I am in awe. I’m having trouble just explaining this feeling in my heart, even as I type this, but I just know it’s Him (the fire of God). God is relentless, and when He wanted all of me, He wanted every part of my life. And when I said yes, to the call, and got on a plane in complete faith, in my spirit I felt Him saying “Kaitlyn, you better get ready! Cause I’m about to move in your life.” I just see and feel Him shifting my life back in alignment with His. He knew what I was getting into! Hahaa, and I can’t stop saying YES, and expecting!! It’s no longer my watch I run on; I’m on God’s time.  Kait T.

Rodney Howard Browne – Daniel P. Testimony

God is doing greatest things here at the River Church through out His people. I am so happy to part of this ministry. I’m so bless by God in this 83, 84, days of Great Awakening. Every time I serve God, every time I do His will, He will pour out more of His Glory over me. And I feel good about the Great Awakening Tours

I like to thank every single Pastoral Staff for what is happening right now in my life. For what’s happen in those peoples life out there, out side of the four walls of the church.The whole America is being shaken by the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  I like to thank CTN for the big support that is taking place all over United State. Thank God for everything, I so happy to be here. Honestly, I don’t want to go anywhere. I will be here for the second year. Love you guys… -Daniel P

Rodney Howard Browne – Eugene S. Testimony

This is the 5th week of the meetings… The Great Awakening Tours!!! We are in the middle of the greatest move of God! And yet it is only but the start of what God is doing… Winter Camp meeting just finished Sunday night and it changed my life!!! From the inside out… The touch of God is so awesome and Jesus touches you for a reason, a purpose!

Something happens when you get touched with the fire, like pastor says, you don’t “think” you got touched by God… YOU KNOW WHEN GOD TOUCHES YOU… just like you would KNOW when a elephant tramps on you… You don’t “think” YOU KNOW… And God touched me these last couple of weeks… Since the great awakening started, I can’t walk around seeing people the same! We were at the manatee viewing center the other day, and I was getting little Ellie’s bag in the truck and I was walking seeing people and was trying to contain myself… I could see them as lost in need of a Savior an I have the answer… We have the answer… And at the end I couldn’t contain it any longer… We were in a room, me and Caleb and I told him I have to tell them… There were about 20 to 25 people in the room and I just stopped everybody in there and yelled out: “can I get everybody’s attention” and the whole place stopped and I went through the gospel soul winning script!!! I am not sure how many prayed with me… It was just so awesome!!!

Saturday we went out soul-winning and I prayed for this elderly man that had back surgery and he couldn’t bend over without falling… I prayed with him and he received Jesus into his heart and I asked him if he believes that Jesus can heal him… He said yes, so I laid my hands upon him like Jesus told us to do… This man was in pain and when I laid my hands on him the pain left! he bent over without falling TOTALLY HEALED!!! he was overwhelmed and praised the Lord! Then I asked him if he had received the Holy Ghost and evidence of speaking in other tongues and he said no… So I prayed with him and he received the Holy Ghost an started speaking in other tongues like a river flowing out of his mouth!!! He went on walking healed saved and filled with the Holy Ghost! Saying: “I’m coming to this church” it was just awesome and an honor to see Gods power manifested right there!!! –

Yesterday I was taking a bike ride and I spoke to 2 people that was walking down the road and both of them prayed with me an received Jesus in their hearts!!!

I’m saying if God touches you, YOU CAN NOT BE THE SAME AGAIN!!! you know when he has touched you… YOUR MOUTH WILL SPEAK!!!! IT’S MORE THAN ANOTHER SERVICE IT’S OUT THERE!!! How will they know UNLESS WE TELL THEM?! WE HAVE TO WE HAVE TO WE HAVE TO!!!! We need to get off of our blessed assurance and DO SOMETHING!!! It’s time to gather the harvest!!! -Eugene S.